Friday, July 29, 2016

July 11, 2016
Hey my friends! Hope your week was great! 

All of our hard work is starting to pay off! This week we had two baptisms!
 Heck Ya! 
We have been working with our investigators for about
 3 weeks now and yesterday was their baptisms. Soccorro and Leida!

 Leida is a wife to a recent convert Ceazar. He is awesome!
 He works for a bakery so he always has cake! 
We eat cake almost every day in this area it's awesome!
 But back to the story, so we have been teaching Leida for about 3 weeks 
preparing her for baptism and 2 days before she changed her mind.
 So Saturday we went and talked with her and had an awesome talk
 about baptism and why it is important.
 It's awsome what you can do when you have the spirit.
So this week another family was completed in the gospel, 
so excited for when they can enter the temple!

Soccorro was our other investigator we found just 2 weeks ago. 
She was so ready for the gospel.
We just contacted her in the street one day and made an appoitment to visit her house.
 When we arrived at her house she was waiting for us. 
Every lesson we taught she just understood everything and was so excited for baptism. 

It's so awsome to find people that are waiting for the gospel, 
and even better to see the change in them after they accept it!
 There are always people to share the gospel with so don't be afraid to share!
Here we get to baptize in a pool so that pretty sweet!
My son baptizing for the first time! 
Ceazer got to baptize his wife too! 

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